THE LOVELY BONES Movie workshop Portfolio

the lovely bones” is a film full of symbols, images and allegories. In order to get some feedback from you, let’s develop the following ideas according to what you understood, see and felt. (there are some quotes from the movie below the questions that may help you to develop your ideas)

1. What’s Up With the Title? whyThe lovely bones?

These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence [...]. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it.

2. explain:

a. The Afterworld

b. heaven

c. wide wide Heaven

3.What’s up with the ending?

could not have what I wanted most. Mr. Harvey dead and me living. Heaven wasn't perfect.

4. Answer these questions (develop ideas!)

Could this novel be helpful to victims of rape, their loved ones, or the families of people with a murdered member? Why, or why not.

If you were a psychiatrist, how would you analyze Mr.Harvey? Is there a cure for his problem? What might it look like?

If Susie had died of illness or accident, would her friends and family suffer in the same way? How might the circumstances of a person's death influence the way their loved ones deal with the loss?

As usual, be original!, develop your own ideas and don't take them from other sources... DON'T USE TRANSLATORS!!!

T. Danny