HAND IN DATE: june 15th 8 d - e - f

Hello Dudes!

Well, I know everybody is exciting about shooting the remake, but as I have told you it is going to take some time, cause the main purpose is to PRACTICE ENGLISH, remember that and keep it on mind during the process.

As part of a previous selection each classroom chose the 4 movies to film and the teamwork for each one of them. Now, it is very important that “each movie has 8 members as the teamwork”

The teamwork is going to be in charge of the production of the film, it means they are going to MAKE the movie, that is why we have to do a previous process in order to know exactly what we need and what we want to make it possible and a high quality exercise. Actors are not important by now, you can be part of a teamwork and act in all the movies, it is up to you, but that will come later, take it easy!! Ok?


As we have seen in some of the laboratory classes, the story board is a summary of what you want to show in your movie. You have a mental image of how a scene should be and you explain that idea trough a picture and a text that includes relevant information about the scene, it can be an important dialogue or an explanation of an specific movement or situation.

Well, you have to do this portfolio as a teamwork. You are going to present the first Draft of the story board, you will have To decide as a team which scenes are Important to include and some others to delete from the original film.

As usual, you have to be very original, this time you do not have to do Something weird, just very organized and colorful (your teacher loves colors!)

Try to be very specific about what You want to show and include some nice pictures (not as your teacher does)

You can find some template ideas In the web as: storyboard templates


T. Danny


Please, be aware of the following dates
(they will be very helpful)

present perfect make up: June 1st
Final Exam: June 9th
Spelling bee classroom contest: June 15th
Portfolio #2 (storyboard first draft): June 15th

present perfect make up: May 31st
Final Exam: June 10th
Spelling bee classroom contest: June 16th
Portfolio #2 (storyboard first draft): June 15th

present perfect make up: May 31st
Final Exam: June 9th
Spelling bee classroom contest: June 16th
Portfolio #2 (storyboard first draft): June 15th


We are about to have the new spelling bee contest:
So you better start practicing your spelling with the given words at the cacs web page

We will have our classroom competition during the second and third week of June (AND IT IS A SCORE!!!)

Take care!
T. Danny