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Next week we'll have our spelling bee contest!!!!!
Start studying!
Bye Bees!
A Prayer for the Day
May all that we do this day,
from morning until night,
begin with your inspiration,
and continue with your powerful help.
May our work this day
be rooted in love and mercy,
that we might love you,
and love our neighbors,
as perfectly as you love us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Lord Jesus,
You understand the difficulties we face,
and the pressure I am under right now.
I ask that you guide me as I take this test,
so that I may do my best.
Open my mind,
Clear my thoughts,
And grant me perfect concentration,
So I may use the knowledge I have gained,
To build up your kingdom,
For the good of all people. Amen
May the Lord support us all the day long,
until the shadows lengthen,
and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over and our work is done!
Then in His mercy,
may He give us a safe lodging,
and a holy rest, and peace at the last.
As we did not finish the explanation about comparatives and superlatives, the students who have to present the first term make up, can have a look here to review (as Mario asked... In Spanish!!) QUIZ NEXT MONDAY: may 2nd

Ok guys!, as you know, this year we have the 3rd Agustiniano Salitre spelling bee contest!
And you are going to be tested in the classroom first in order to get to the finals!
you can find the list here (click), print it, take it to your portfolio and we will check spelling and pronunciation during the clases.
The spelling will be a score for the 40% (saber hacer) so start practicing now!

Just check the pictures and learn the names! it is not only useful, but FUN!
quiz date: thursday april 28th (eight grades a-b-c)
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Spanish |
arise[a'rais] | arose[a'rous] | arisen[a'risn] | surgir, levantarse. |
be[bi] | was [wuas] / were[wer] | been [bin] | ser |
beat[bit] | beat[bit] | beaten[bitn] | golpear |
become[bi´kam] | became[bi´keim] | become[bi´kam] | convertirse,llegar a ser |
begin[bi´gIn] | began[bi'gan] | begun[bi'gan] | comenzar |
bet[bet] | bet[bet] | bet[bet] | apostar |
bite[bait] | bit[bIt] | bitten[bItn] | morder |
bleed[blid] | bled[bled] | bled[bled] | sangrar |
blow[blou] | blew[blu] | blown[bloun] | soplar |
break[breik] | broke[brouk] | broken[broukn] | romper |
bring[bring] | brought[brot] | brought[brot] | traer |
build[bild] | built[bilt] | built[bilt] | construir |
buy[bai] | bought[bot] | bought[bot] | comprar |
catch[katch] | caught[kot] | caught[kot] | atrapar |
choose[chus] | chose[chous] | chosen[chousn] | elegir |
come[kam] | came[keim] | come[kam] | venir |
cost[kost] | cost[kost] | cost[kost] | costar |
creep[krip] | crept[krept] | crept[krept] | arrastrarse |
cut[kat] | cut[kat] | cut[kat] | cortar |
deal[dil] | dealt[delt] | dealt[delt] | dar, repartir |
do[du] | did[dId] | done[don] | hacer |
draw[dro] | drew[dru] | drawn[dron] | dibujar |
dream[driim] | dreamt[dremt] | dreamt[dremt] | soñar |
drink[drInk] | drank[drank] | drunk[draank] | beber |
drive[draiv] | drove[drouv] | driven[drivn] | conducir |
eat[iit] | ate[eit] | eaten[iitn] | comer |
fall[fol] | fell[fel] | fallen[folen] | caer |
feed[fiid] | fed[fed] | fed[fed] | alimentar |
feel[fiil] | felt[felt] | felt[felt] | sentir |
fight[fait] | fought[fot] | fought[fot] | pelear |
find[faind] | found[faund] | found[faund] | encontrar |
flee[flii] | fled[fled] | fled[fled] | huir |
fly[flai] | flew[flu] | flown[floun] | volar |
forget[forget] | forgot[forgat] | forgotten[forgatn] | olvidar |
forgive[forgiv] | forgave[forgeiv] | forgiven[forgivn] | perdonar |
forsake[forseik] | forsook[forsuk] | forsaken [forseikn] | abandonar |
freeze[friisz] | froze[frousz] | frozen[frouszn] | congelar |
get[get] | got[gat] | got/gotten [gat,gatn] | tener, obtener |
give[gIv] | gave[geiv] | given[givn] | dar |
go[gou] | went [wuent] | gone[gon] | ir |
grind[graind] | ground[graund] | ground[graund] | moler |
grow[grou] | grew[gru] | grown[groun] | crecer |
hang[hang] | hung[haang] | hung[haang] | colgar |
have[hav] | had[had] | had[had] | tener |
hear[hir] | heard[herd] | heard[herd] | oír |
hide[haid] | hid[hId] | hidden[hIdn] | esconderse |
hit[hIt] | hit[hIt] | hit[hIt] | golpear |
hold[hold] | held[held] | held[held] | tener, mantener |
hurt[hert] | hurt[hert] | hurt[hert] | herir, doler |
keep[kip] | kept[kip] | kept[kept] | guardar |
kneel[nil] | knelt[nelt] | knelt[nelt] | arrodillarse |
know[nou] | knew[niu] | known[noun] | saber |
lead[liid] | led[led] | led[led] | encabezar |
learn[lern] | learnt[lernt] | learnt[lernt] | aprender |
leave[liv] | left[left] | left[left] | dejar |
lend[lend] | lent[lent] | lent[lent] | prestar |
let[let] | let[let] | let[let] | dejar |
lie[lai] | lay[lei] | lain[lein] | yacer |
lose[lus] | lost[lost] | lost[lost] | perder |
make[meik] | made[meid] | made[meid] | hacer |
mean[min] | meant[ment] | meant[ment] | significar |
meet[mit] | met[met] | met[met] | conocer, encontrar |
pay[pei] | paid[peid] | paid[peid] | pagar |
put[put] | put[put] | put[put] | poner |
quit[kuit] | quit[kuit] | quit[kuit] | abandonar |
read[rid] | read[red] | read[red] | leer |
ride[raid] | rode[roud] | ridden[ridn] | montar, ir |
ring[rIng] | rang[rang] | rung[rang] | llamar por teléfono |
rise[rais] | rose[rous] | risen[risn] | elevar |
run[raan] | ran[ran] | run[raan] | correr |
say[sei] | said[sed] | said[sed] | decir |
see[si] | saw[so] | seen[sin] | ver |
sell[sel] | sold[sold] | sold[sold] | vender |
send[send] | sent[sent] | sent[sent] | enviar |
set[set] | set[set] | set[set] | fijar |
sew[sou] | sewed[soud] | sewn [soun] | coser |
shake[sheik] | shook[shuk] | shaken[sheikn] | sacudir |
shine[shain] | shone[shoun] | shone[shoun] | brillar |
shoot[shut] | shot[shot] | shot[shot] | disparar |
show[shou] | showed[shoud] | shown[shoun] | mostrar |
shrink[shrInk] | shrank[shrank] | shrunk[shraank] | encoger |
shut[shaat] | shut[shaat] | shut[shaat] | cerrar |
sing[sIng] | sang[sang] | sung[sang] | cantar |
sink[sInk] | sank[sank] | sunk[saank] | hundir |
sit[sIt] | sat[sat] | sat[sat] | sentarse |
sleep[sliip] | slept[slept] | slept[slept] | dormir |
slide[sslaid] | slid[sslId] | slid[sslId] | deslizar |
sow[sou] | sowed[soud] | sown[soun] | sembrar |
speak[sspIk] | spoke[sspouk] | spoken[sspokn] | hablar |
spel[sspel]l | spelt[sspelt] | spelt[sspelt] | deletrear |
spend[sspend] | spent[sspent] | spent[sspent] | gastar |
spill[sspIl] | spilt[sspIlt] | spilt[ssplt] | derramar |
split[ssplI] | split[ssplI] | split[ssplI] | dividir |
spoil[sspoil] | spoilt[sspoilt] | spoilt[sspoilt] | estropear |
spread[sspred] | spread[sspred] | spread[sspred] | extenderse |
stand[sstand] | stood[sstud] | stood[sstud] | estar de pie |
steal[sstil] | stole[sstol] | stolen[stol] | robar |
sting[sstIng] | stung[sstaang] | stung[sstaang] | picar |
stink[sstink] | stank [sstank] | stunk[sstaank] | apestar |
strike[straik] | struck [straak] | struck[strak] | golpear |
swear[suer] | swore[suor] | sworn[suorn] | jurar |
sweep[suip] | swept[suept] | swept[suept] | barrer |
swim[suim] | swam[suam] | swum[suaan] | nadar |
take[teik] | took[tuk] | taken[teikn] | tomar |
teach[tiich] | taught[tot] | taught[tot] | enseñar |
tear[tiir] | tore[tor] | torn[torn] | romper |
tell[tel] | told[told] | told[told] | decir |
think[zInk] | thought[zot] | thought[zot] | pensar |
throw[zrou] | threw[zriu] | thrown[zroun] | lanzar |
tread[trid] | trode[troud] | trodden[trodn] | pisar |
wake[güeik] | woke[guok] | woken[guokn] | despertarse |
wear[güer] | wore[guor] | worn[gourn] | llevar puesto |
weave[güiv] | wove[guov] | woven[gouvn] | tejer |
weep[wuip] | wept[wuept] | wept[wuept] | llorar |
win[wuin] | won[wuon] | won[wuon] | ganar (premios) |
wring[rIng] | wrung[raang] | wrung[raang] | retorcer |
write[rait] | wrote[rout] | written['ritn] | escribir |